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Railing Systems

Railing system replacement is a service that replaces decks, balconies or stairs' old railing system with a newer, safer, and more aesthetically pleasing one.  Our team will assess the area, recommend materials, designs, and styles, remove the old system, and install the new one according to industry standards and codes. New railing systems can be customized and provide support, safety, and durability. Railing system replacement is an investment that enhances home value and safety, and it creates an inviting, all-season outdoor living space.

Aluminum Deck Railings

black allumnium rails on deck

Minimal maintenance:  There’s very little you’ll need to do to keep your aluminum railings looking great and lasting for decades. Occasional spraying with a hose and maybe wiping them down with soapy water once in a while is about all that’s necessary.

Rust- and corrosion-resistant:  Aluminum is a “non-ferrous” metal and thus highly resistant to rust and corrosion. This material is ideal for deck railings in the hottest, coldest, rainiest and snowiest environments and will serve you well for many years.

Cost advantages of aluminum railing:  Like aluminum railing, steel and wrought iron systems are quite handsome around a deck, but they’re going to cost you a lot more than aluminum. A wood railing system would be less expensive than aluminum, but with wood, you might have some maintenance tasks to see to, such as occasional re-painting and dealing with rotting issues as the years pass.

Great looks: Aluminum railing for decks is available in many colors, design styles and patterns that will give you a truly customized look that blends beautifully with your outdoor décor.

Low Maintenance: Since vinyl is incredibly flexible and durable, this railing option is very low maintenance. It can stand up to sun exposure and does not collect dirt and dust as much as some of the other options.

Easy to Clean: When vinyl deck railing accumulates dirt, it’s much easier to clean compared to other types of railing. All you need is a power washer. With other types of railing, such as wood, using a power washer may erode the natural coating.

Budget Friendly: Both homeowners and contractors have to work on keeping their project within a budget. Vinyl railing is a budget friendly option for building outdoor living spaces without compromising on strength. Plus, color options like Khaki and Almond, make it easier to match HOA guidelines.

Durability: Vinyl railings are smooth and are resistant to cracking. They also won’t splinter like wooden railings, making vinyl deck railings a good option for homes with kids or pets.

Strength: All the vinyl railing from Envision Outdoor Living is built with an aluminum core that offers metal-to-metal bracket attachment for increased strength. It’s a large part of what makes the deck railing from Envision so special.

Vinyl Deck Railings

white vinyl railings

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